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Does Inheritance Affect Social Security Disability Benefits?

If you receive an inheritance, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits will not change. When you receive SSDI benefits, you’ve already paid into the systems, usually for years or decades, before receiving benefits. Benefits are based on how much you’ve paid into the system. And you can see how much your benefits should be based on your earnings before your disability.

Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits requires that you are “unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity” for at least a year. It’s strictly tied to your ability to earn an income, and resources such as inheritance are not considered income. So, you can rest assured that SSDI benefits will not be affected by an inheritance.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits, on the other hand, can be affected by inheritance. Yes, this can be confusing. SSI disability benefits are distinct from SSDI benefits. SSI gets funding from general tax revenue, meaning you do not have to pay into the system to receive SSI. However, all of a person’s financial assets are taken into consideration for SSI claims.

Inheritance does not count as income, but it is a financial asset. So it’s possible that an SSI recipient may no longer be eligible for benefits after inheriting money. However, it is possible to provide for a disabled person and maintain their ability to receive supplemental security income (SSI) benefits. Establishing a Special Needs Trust is one such option.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) does it’s best to help those in need. But with millions of people receiving Social Security benefits, they’re understandably careful when qualifying potential recipients. As a result, the application process can get to be lengthy and stressful.

As one of the most revered Social Security Disability law firms in Tulsa, Barnard Law Firm can provide the legal advice you need. Our knowledge and experience allow us to prepare clients for every step of the process. Plus, we take every attorney client relationship seriously. We know our

clients come to us in need and will do everything we can to help them.

If you have questions about inheritance and SSDI, SSI, or Social Security disability benefits in general, reach out to us today. We’ll provide detailed answers and pick up the fight for you if necessary. Let us handle your legal issues so you can focus on more important things in life.

Your Local Social Security Disability and Injury Attorney Serving the Tulsa Area

Nathan Barnard is a sole practitioner in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Mr. Barnard's practice focuses on Social Security disability insurance claims.